

Netflix's recent documentary, 社会困境, has sparked new and renewed interest in the role of social media in our lives, how we interact with and within these digital networks, and the behind-the-screen manipulations that frame—and often obscure—our relation to the world and each other via social media. 这个教学大纲是 by the faculty of CMS to give greater context for the materials covered in this film and to help audiences critically assess its claims.

In October 2020, the Communication and Media Studies Program at 九州娱乐官网 hosted a Netflix watch part of the film for students and faculty. While the film serves as a solid primer to the vicissitudes of the widespread adoption 当代的社交媒体orary life, the film lacks much of the context and nuance necessary for an in-depth articulation of the complexities of social media’s integration in our lives. 这个教学大纲是用来结束的 some 这些差距,提供无障碍 information in five key areas: 

  • 技术决定论 
  • 数字乌托邦 
  • 科技领域的种族主义和性别偏见 
  • 劳动和注意力经济 
  • 私隐及监察 


What to Know About The 社会困境 Syllabus 

我们建议您 看电影 在学习这个教学大纲之前. Once you are ready to dive in, here are some helpful 注意事项: 

  • This is not a comprehensive rejoinder to the film, but it is a great place to start filling in some gaps 学习更多. 
  • 教学大纲中包含的材料是 appropriate for all engagement levels – whether you know a lot, a little, or nothing about these issues, these materials will be beneficial for you.  
  • Syllabus materials 都有空吗?或者价格 互联网连接. 有一个列表 recommended readings 在教学大纲的最后 可能有相关的成本. Wherever possible, we’ve linked to free or cost-effective resources.  
  • 我们希望定期更新教学大纲. 如果你有添加的建议, 电邮至 Dr. 梅根·Grosse. 




Technological determinism is the idea that our social, cultural, and political life is entirely determined by the technology we use. 的基础 The Social Dilemma 这是社交媒体新概念吗cessarily and singularly 推动我们的 everyday 生活、决定和行为. This idea is 技术决定论的. Contemporary communication and media scholars often resist these claims, and instead look for more complex correlations in place of this causal argument.  

“技术决定论和社交媒体”, Vorapilailuck Thitivesa, Medium  

数字乌托邦,有时也被称为 techno-utopia, is the idea that technology and its associated tools can help foster a new 为每个人创造更美好的世界. The digital utopia assumes first that technology is neutral, second that technology applied for good will always generate a good result, and third that these positive results are shared by all. While there is no denying that technology has improved some aspects of life,这些改进是 neither 普遍的,而不仅仅是肯定的. Two examples of this are the digital divide—the divide between those who has access to the internet and the technology and knowledge to use it and those who don’t — and the disproportionately negative impact technologization and automation has had on the poor 在美国.  


“技术不是中立的,它是政治性的, Ritse Erumi, The Ford Foundation  

“What Obligations do Social Media Platforms Have to the Greater Good?, Eli Pariser, TEDSummit  



"数字鸿沟: A Quarter of the Nation Is Without Broadband,” Karl Vick, Time 

“59% of U.S. parents with lower incomes say their child may face digital obstacles 在学业。” Emily A. vogel,皮尤研究中心 


 Technology’s Impact on Poverty and the Poor 

“高科技无家可归。” 弗吉尼亚尤班克斯, 科学美国人  

“Algorithms Designed to Fight Poverty Can Actually Make It Worse,” 弗吉尼亚尤班克斯, 科学美国人  

社会困境 features interviews 〇业内人士 former 程序员、开发人员和执行人员ho worked 对于Facebook这样的公司来说, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and many others. These interviewees provide insight into these companies while at the same time他们反思道 科技领域缺乏多样性. 这种多样性的缺乏延伸到 content 它本身和算法 这塑造了用户与技术的互动.  


“社会困境 Fails to Tackle the Real Issues in Tech,” Pranav Malhorta, Slate 

《九州娱乐官网》 Factually! 和Adam Conover一起 podcast 

“我们的算法有多么偏颇?” Safiya Umoja Noble博士, TEDxUIUC 

“Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Discuss Misinformation with 硅谷最大的批评者 Eliana Dockterman  

“新的吉姆准则? 和鲁哈·本杰明一起” Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University  

“How Big Data Could Undo Our Civil Rights Laws,” 弗吉尼亚尤班克斯, 美国的前景  

“大数据是一个民权问题,” 韦德·亨德森和拉沙德·罗宾逊, 谈话要点备忘录 


In December 2020, Timnit Gebru, a woman of color who was the co-lead of Google's Ethical AI Team, was unceremoniously fired from Google for criticizing the company's lack of minority hiring and the underlying racial bias built into Google's AI systems - 就是雇她来研究的东西. AI and social media are intimately intertwined. Learn more:

"The Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Social Media,“王佩顿,人工智能的人类

"Google Researcher Says She Was Fired Over Paper Highlighting Bias in A.I.," Cade Metz和Daisuke Wakabayashi 《九州娱乐官网》

"We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. 它是这么说的." Karen Hao, 麻省理工科技评论

Black in AI

This film reiterates an increasingly common axiom: if you我们不付钱 对于产品,你就是产品. 用户的关注用户参与,以及从中产生的数据 are fundamental to the profits of social media and search companiesBut also fundamental to this process is the invisible labor 包括你在内的许多人.  



社交媒体的无声过滤器,” Sarah T. Roberts, The Atlantic 

“The Underworld of Online Content Moderation,” Isaac Chontier, 《九州娱乐官网》 

“为什么人工智能不能解决内容审核问题?” 扎卡里·麦克, The Verge 


User Labor and Control 

How to Make Your iPhone Black and White (And Why You Should),” 梅金黑白花牛, BetterHumans 

7 Easy Ways to Detach Yourself from Social Media,菲比·艾维森和米娅·梅尔卡多 Bustle 

How I Reduced my Social Media Use with App Limits,” Gregory Ferenstein, Forbes 

“为什么你应该放弃社交媒体,” Cal Newport, TED x Tysons 

Social Media: The Biggest Threat to Your Brain,” 琥珀Quinney, TEDxYouth@Buffalo  

社交媒体会伤害你的精神吗 Health?, •贝利•帕内尔 TEDxRyersonU 

“Go Rando,” Ben Grosser  

“Twitter Demetricator,” Ben Grosser  

Safebook,” Ben Grosser 

Digital technologies – social media, digital search, mobile apps, and so on – 通常需要用户同意长度y 服务条款 and often default to settings that give permissions to track your activity in a variety of ways. These issues are economic, and at the same time, issues of privacy 谈谈更基本的问题 的问题 控制信息意味着什么 one自我,什么影响 的监控 are on an individual’s psychology and behaviors, and what repercussions may come from collecting and aggregating large amounts of user data.   


“为什么隐私很重要?” 格伦格林沃尔德, TEDGlobal 



“Facebook的新举措与隐私无关. 这是关于统治的。” 希瓦•韦迪雅那桑, The Guardian 

“Dear Mr Zuckerberg: the problem isn't the internet, it's Facebook” 希瓦•韦迪雅那桑, The Guardian 

“All the Ways Facebook Tracks You—and How to Limit It,” David Nield, Wired 



“Why Privacy Matters Even If You Have Nothing to Hide,” 丹尼尔•Solove 高等教育编年史  

“你的科技在跟踪你. 采取以下步骤 For 更好的网络隐私” 月桂Wamsley, NPR 

“你现在被远程控制了。” Shoshana Zuboff, T《九州娱乐官网》 

想要预测未来的监控? Ask Poor 社区,” 弗吉尼亚尤班克斯, 美国的前景 

数量级,” Ben Grosser